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Dawn at BosqueSnow Geese at DawnSnow GooseSnow Geese in flight at Bosque del Apache NWRSnow Goose at Bosque del Apache NWRSnow GooseSnow Goose Taking OffJuvenile Snow Goose at Bosque del Apache NWRSnow Goose Landing at Bosque del Apache NWRSnow Geese Taking Flight at Bosque del Apache NWRSnow Geese Blasting Off From Corn FieldSnow Geese and Sandhill Cranes in Corn FieldSnow Geese Blasting Off Before DawnSnow Goose BlastoffSnow Geese BlastoffSnow Geese Swarming Around a TreeFlock of snow geese flying overhead. (Infrared fisheye)Snow Geese Blastoff at DawnBacklit Bird at Bosque del Apache NWRRed-winged Blackbirds at Bosque del Apache NWR